Saturday, March 10, 2012

Protect your mob

A close friend of mine lost something very personal...a mobile! Not only did it have lots of personal messages and contacts, it also contained pics, music and other important documents which you would download on a smartphone.

Losing a mobile phone is a traumatic experience because it is something that you carry around with you all the time. It almost becomes a part of your daily life and living without it even for a few hours makes you feel incomplete! I know you should try not to let any device/gadget take control of you so much, but heck, it does have an effect! Imagining someone going thro' my stuff makes me cringe.

There are a few precautions you can take though. On Samsung phones (I own one, so this is what I know about it, and I am sure other phones too might have similar features), there is something called a mobile tracker. It helps you to manage your phone remotely by letting you add in lock codes, erase your data and lot of other features. Check this out to find out more.

My Sam is a lil older and I don't have that option, though I do have an option of enabling an automatic message being sent to a pre-defined number in case someone removes the SIM from my mob and inserts another. That way I can track my phone.

Another option on Android phones (in case your device does not natively support remotely managing it) is to install an app to do the job. Android Lost is one such option.

Again, I haven't tried it yet because it works only on Android 2.2 and above. Mine is a 2.1. I know...I should upgrade...sigh.


  1. I wish you had posted this some days back:( This is coz I lost my mob recently and though the mob tracker was there in my ex mob, I postponed enabling it and I am utterly devastated at the thought of someone going through my pics, msgs, contacts, music et al. Now I have a new mob and I shall do as you suggested:) Thanks:) I will try not to lose my mob again:)

    1. Glad you found it helpful. Do buy a mob where you can enable tracking, especially if you are prone to losing stuff :) At the least an app should be good enough.

    2. ramzodyssey.blogspot.comMarch 15, 2012 at 11:53 PM

      Will do, and will ask you for advice on how to protect my mobile:) As I quoted in my blog,
      "To be, or not to be, that is the question:
      Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
      The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
      Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
      And by opposing end them."

  2. Hmmm..Heck ! Good Information ! ;)
