Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Thousand Splendid Suns...

There are some books that really move you emotionally...

Sometimes I wonder what is it that I really gain by reading books on fiction, art or just plain biographies. Or works of literature and poetry. What is it that really brings feelings deep inside ourselves actually felt? Then we read some works that brings an answer to our never ending quests.

I have been reading this book called A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseni. Its a poignant story about the hardships of two women who I believe are the protagonists of the novel, but in a way are representatives of all those people in Afghanistan that need a voice to make the world hear of their plight and hardships. And about the humaneness that is expressed in them that we all tend to need reminding..It touches me greatly to be expressing so much for it because it brings to me a very sad reminder of the places which are not too far from us, which are altogether god-forsaken and need the expression of utterance to be able to comprehend the immensity of their tragedies.

There are not too many novels that are able to realize that end of the spectrum of human endurance and experience. And not that many able to move us in a way that captures the images of their world and bring it closer to our heart's. And this book manages to do just that. I have read many others of the same order, and they really wreak you emotionally. Its only the very strong who wont be moved by reading them. Its real, its in flesh and blood, its in every waking moment that you are reminded of their stories, forever embedded in our collective human conscience. Maybe that in itself is a tribute to their lives and those that are unheard of..

Which again beings me back asking the same questions at the beginning. What is it about them really? Maybe its just recognizing another human being as human enough to merit our attention. And that in itself is worthy enough. Sigh, I would be doing a great dis-service if I expressed further. I would suffice to say, try and read it. And others too which might seem tedious. Its worth every tear drop, for those to which it is dedicated..


  1. Heartfelt expression for a heartbreaking novel.

  2. Nice thoughts Nikhil. You remember the book Rosha by Vishal Bhandari? It is about the exploitation of women in Afghanistan. it was quite a heart rending novel. Guess there are so many things happening in Afghanistan that novels and stories can be written in plenty and the plethora of these stories being shared will really not make any difference to the terrorists and criminals... But one can really empathize with the protagonists. Will read this book too. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks for reading! I have read Rosha too. That's another beautifully written novel.

      Though, I don't quite agree that all the plethora of stories that are shared can't make a difference. After all, its only when it is shared are we able to understand the situation better and sympathize with whatever they are undergoing. I feel a time would come, when the injustices just cannot be ignored anymore and it would be only with knowledge of these happenings that a difference will finally be made. That's how most social revolutions begin, with a solid understanding of the problems and then making it a cause to fight for.

  3. Humanity in crumbles. I have turned averse to even discussions. So let me just add one trivia, I have a personally autographed book of his ;)

    1. I'm so jealous now!! A personally autographed book from him! That's so cool :)

      Well, I have a personally autographed book from Vishal Bhandari too, just so you know :P
